How to use SEO in your content marketing strategy.
How do I use SEO for content marketing?
Content marketing makes it easy for good prospects to find your business. However, you can boost your efforts with search engine optimization (SEO).
Keywords are the foundation of your SEO effort. These words and phrases are the terms a potential customer types into a search engine when they’re looking for a company, product, service, or answer. When you include the correct keywords in your content you’ll attract more traffic. Simple.
Theses are the best type of keywords:
Plain-language, which your audience uses to describe their issues and needs. Relevant keywords that match the expertise, products, and services you provide. A combination of your focus, industry expertise, prospect problems, and other relevant details has evolved so that the search rankings depend on how well your content does what it says it will do. Search engines review content copy, assess its relevance, and determine whether it delivers on what the headline promises, because of the importance search engines place on copy, using keywords throughout your content is really important. Here are some guidelines on keyword and copy;
Focus on 1 to 2 keywords. Avoid “keyword stuffing” by writing about what matters to your prospects with a focus on just a few keyword phrases. Use keywords in the title. Make what the article is about clear and explicit. Use keywords throughout, Find a way of naturally incorporating your keywords into your content. Stay on topic, Good-quality content that provides advice related to a headline will perform best.
If you follow these simple rules you should start to see the benefits, but also be patient. Unless your budget stretches to paid ads, you need to give it time to grow organically, content marketing and SEO is a marathon not a sprint!

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