Print and fulfilment for the NHS.

Digital Notts was established in 2013 by the Integrated Care System (ICS) to ensure the development of digital technology meets the unique needs of patients, families, carers and healthcare professionals in Nottinghamshire.

In 2022, the Communications Team at Digital Notts approached us to update and distribute printed materials aimed at encouraging use of the NHS app.

In-surgery support.

Over the years, we have printed a range of posters and roller banners for display in surgery waiting rooms to encourage patients to download and use the NHS app for tasks such as repeat prescriptions and accessing medical records.

Mailings direct to surgeries.

Additionally, we have printed several patient information leaflets to support campaigns promoting the NHS app. Most recently, we updated and printed over 6,000 Z-cards and managed a mailing to 136 practice locations across the county.

The happy client.

The team at Digital Notts is always happy with our results and the printed resources have played a key role in supporting the organisation’s mission to use technology to enhance patient care in Nottinghamshire. 


If you’re looking for a creative agency to manage print and fulfilment for your organisation, get in touch: